Civil War Diary Discovery in Monterey – Presentation at Old Capitol Books

photo-3 2018.JPG Elaine Herrmann is a nurse in Monterey with a big find – a rare naval civil war diary! She will be in Old Capitol Books to discuss her project to research, transcribe, and annotate the journal of Josiah Parker Higgins.

Saturday 18th August 2018
Free and open to everyone

It is rare to find a civil war naval diary, and they are estimated to be only 5% of the recorded civil war documentation (the rest being land-based army records). This particular diary was written by Josiah Higgins who was a young sailor in the Union Navy and saw the action at the Capture of New Orleans (1862), the Siege of Vicksburg (1863), and the Mobile Blockade (1864).


51N+HJLPrSL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Elaine Herrmann, a local nurse, used her research skills and curiosity in her transcribing and publication of Higgins’s story in Herrmann’s book Yeoman in Farragut’s Fleet: The Civil War Diary of Josiah Parker Higgins.

Come join us as she reveals the history of the document, brings the original diary for people to see, and talks about her journey to uncover the history of this rare manuscript.