Professor and Award-Winning Author, Zachary Jack, to appear at Old Capitol Books

Saturday 22 October 2016, 4pm: Zachary Michael Jack is an English professor, poet, dramatist, and award-winning author of over twenty books. Normally based in the mid-west, where he teaches at North Central College, Jack will be visiting the peninsula and appearing at Old Capitol Books to talk about his newest book March of the Suffragettes: Rosie Gardiner Jones and the March for Voting Rights.

About March of the Suffragettes:

march-cover-image“March of the Suffragettes tells the forgotten, real-life story of “General” Rosalie Gardiner Jones, who in the waning days of 1912 mustered and marched an all-women army nearly 175 miles to help win support for votes for women. General Jones, along with her good friends and accomplices “Colonel” Ida Craft, “Surgeon General” Lavinia Dock, and “War Correspondent” Jessie Hardy Stubbs, led marchers across New York state for their pilgrims’ cause, encountering not just wind, fog, sleet, snow, mud, and ice along their unpaved way, but also hecklers, escaped convicts, scandal-plagued industrialists on the lam, and jealous boyfriends and overprotective mothers hoping to convince the suffragettes to abandon their dangerous project. By night Rosalie’s army met and mingled with the rich and famous, attending glamorous balls in beautiful dresses to deliver fiery speeches; by day they fought blisters and bone-chilling cold, debated bitter Anti-suffragists, and dodged wayward bullets and pyrotechnics meant to intimidate them. They composed and sang their own marching songs for sisterhood and solidarity on their route, even as differences among them threatened to tear them apart.” See more on Amazon.

About Zachary M. Jack:

Zachary Michael Jack

ZACHARY MICHAEL JACK has published more than twenty award-winning books in a variety of genres, including fiction, poetry, literary journalism, creative nonfiction, and personal essay for adults and young adults alike. Zachary’s fiction has earned national runner-up honors in its class in the Foreword Reviews Book of the Year Award; his poetry has been awarded the Prentice Hall Prize, and his nonfiction has received nominations for the Pushcart (Best of the Small Presses) Prize, the Theodore Saloutos Award, the William Hill Sports Book of the Year Award, the Herbert Warren Wind Award, and the Shambaugh Award. The author and his work have been featured in USA Today, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Indianapolis Star and the Des Moines Register, among many others. Zachary’s eclectic books have been favorably reviewed by industry-leading opinion-makers such as The New York Review of Books, Publisher’s Weekly, Choice, Kirkus, Foreword Reviews, and others. 

An associate professor of English and a member of the graduate and undergraduate interdisciplinary faculties in Liberal Studies and Leadership Studies, Zachary teaches aspiring creative writers, publishers, literary agents, editors, and arts entrepreneurs as a core faculty member in the graduate Writing, Editing, and Publishing, Masters of Liberal Studies (MALS) program at North Central College, as well as teaches graduate seminars in demographics, place studies, and sports leadership for the Masters in Leadership Studies (MLD) program. Zachary’s work with young adults and teens includes presentations, workshops, and literary outreach events at the public libraries, schools, and not-for-profits listed in the “Zachary’s Books for Young Adults” link on his website.