Monterey Bay Poetry Consortium presents Sam Salerno and Dane Cervine

The Monterey Bay Poetry Consortium Presents: Sam Salerno & Dane Cervine
Sunday, February 10, 2:00 p.m. $5.00 Admission
Old Capitol Books, 559 Tyler Street, Monterey

A former co-host of the monthly writing consortium poetry reading series, Sam Salerno is pleased to have the chance to return and read some of his poetry this month. Sam’s educational background includes a BA in English from Pepperdine University and MA’s in Linguistics from the University of London and Humanities with an emphasis on creative writing from Wesleyan University. Sam has had works published in a variety of publications including The Wayfarer, Free Verse, Catamaran Literary Review, Grey Sparrow Press, and A Clean Well-Lighted Place. Sam will be reading from two of his collections, The New World and The Soul Collects Its World and a forthcoming chapbook entitled Holding Spaces. Sam lives and teaches locally and can also be seen playing in his band The Transducers.

Dane Cervine’s latest book is The Gateless Gate – Polishing the Moon Sword, from Saddle Road Press in Hawaii, a cross-genre work of Zen koan & prose poems. Previous poetry books include Kung Fu of the Dark Father, How Therapists Dance, The Jeweled Net of Indra, and What a Father Dreams. Dane’s poems have won awards from Adrienne Rich, Tony Hoagland, the Atlanta Review, Caesura, and been nominated for a Pushcart. His work appears in The SUN, the Hudson Review, TriQuarterly, Poetry Flash, Catamaran, Miramar, Rattle, Sycamore Review, Pedestal Magazine, among others. Dane lives in Santa Cruz, California—where he works as a therapist, and is the emeritus Chief of Children’s Mental Health for the county. His work integrates the arts of therapy and writing with a long-standing meditation practice. Visit his website at:

Upcoming Reading:
Sunday, March 10: Ken Weisner and Heidi McGurrin

For more information, please contact John Laue: (831) 684-0854
Sponsored by Old Capitol Books & the Monterey Bay Poetry Consortium

Published by oldcapitolbooksmonterey

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