Monterey Bay Poetry Consortium

Second Sunday of each month, come to Old Capitol Books to see the featured poets of the Monterey Bay Poetry Consortium.

The Monterey Bay Poetry Consortium Presents:
Victor Henry
Linda Janakos
Sunday, October 12, 2:00 p.m.
$5.00 Admission
Old Capitol Books, 559 Tyler Street, Monterey
(between Pearl and Munras)
Victor Henry‘s work has appeared in various small press magazines, anthologies, and Ezines.  He holds two earned master’s degrees, enjoys working as a reference librarian, is a Vietnam veteran, and a member of Veterans for Peace.
L.D. Janakos is a fiction writer and filmmaker. She is the recipient of a Bumbershoot Literary Award and a University of Oregon Fiction Award along with several finalist awards for her fiction. Her second novel Plato’s Screw is published by Wild Ocean Press (2014). Her first novel, the oldest show (after the abandonment) was one of three Nivola finalist awards by Plover press. The novel was published by Highmoonoon (2003). A second edition and dramatization are forthcoming. Her works have appeared in several journals beginning with the letter E, including Exquisite Corpse and Ergo! She is the producer of Descendants of the Imagination, a monthly TV show on the arts aired on CTV in Santa Cruz. She lives and works in California.
Upcoming Reading:
November 9: Cynthia Bryant and Kate Aver Avraham
For more information, please contact John Laue: (831) 684-0854
Cosponsored by the Monterey Bay Poetry Consortium, Poetry Slow Down on KXRA540