EVENT: Lawrence Samuels – In Defense of Chaos: The Chaology of Politics, Economics and Human Action

book_in-defense-of-chaosSaturday 20 July – Local author, Lawrence Samuels will be at Old Capitol Books to sign copies of his new book In Defense of Chaos: The Chaology of Politics, Economics and Human Action. 1pm-3pm.

This book “not only exposes a new way of thinking, but shows why chaos theory and complexity science will revolutionize the social, political and economic structures of the world.

In Defense of Chaos examines why chaology provides ample scientific evidence that open-ended, adaptable and evolving systems work far better than closed-ended, rigid ones. Not only do dynamic systems work better, but they foster self-determination. The nature of the physical world favors the freedom for people to self-organize and self-govern without the interference of external command and control structures.”

Check out his website here.

Find the facebook event page here.